Very happy new year 2025! Please note, this article contains elements written by artificial intelligence.

Rewrite this title Very happy new year 2025! Please note, this article contains elements written by artificial intelligence.

Every year I make promises and I realize that I find it more and more difficult to keep them. So, for 2025, I promise to no longer make unnecessary promises. My main constraint remains time and unfortunately I cannot devote as much time as I would like to writing articles, which remains my favorite occupation. Moreover, to save time, I asked the artificial intelligence to write greetings for my friends in the watch industry. Here is the result:

Dear artisans of time,

As 2025 opens before us like a blank dial ready to be engraved with memories and successes, we would like to send you our warmest wishes for this new year. May each moment be a celebration of your know-how, your passion and your dedication to the art of watchmaking.

In a world where time sometimes seems to speed up, you embody mastery, patience and precision. Each piece you create is much more than an object: it is a work of art, an heirloom, a story that spans generations. In 2025, may your workshops resonate with the gentle tick of innovation and may your ideas come to life with the same harmony as the movements you assemble.

May this year bring you challenges that match your talent, enriching collaborations and achievements that will make your name shine in the four corners of the globe. May your creations continue to amaze, capture the essence of time and remind the world that beauty lies in the details.

We wish you a year 2025 marked by success, fulfillment and serenity. May each day be an opportunity to push the limits of creativity and technique, and may each project be driven by the same passion that has always driven your hearts.

Happy New Year 2025, and may time always be your precious ally.

Not bad, right? But then, why not use the same trick to write articles? Well, fortunately no because it doesn’t work like that. First of all, I don’t want to. Then, the real added value of a watch article comes from the experience, the feelings of the person writing. And above all: his personal involvement and opinion. However, on this point, artificial intelligence can be improved. It generates articles that are more like synthesis, while being very careful not to offend sensitivities.

This is why I am convinced that artificial intelligence is excellent news for watch journalism because it will force journalists to renew themselves and offer increasingly engaged writing. It’s a question of survival. Otherwise, why pay an editor who will produce a sort of summary when the machine will generate it in a few seconds and for free? But for this evolution to take place, brands must also understand it. The latter must accept criticism and more decided opinions. They all have to gain, especially in difficult times: a neutral or vaguely positive article has never sold a watch. Customers have gained in maturity, knowledge and above all no longer want to be taken for 6-week-old rabbits. They want to read credible content, positive or negative. I therefore have the secret hope that in some time, the content will evolve. Otherwise, in the absence of content, it will be the writing method that will change, with the machine replacing man. So, it is important that the watch industry let go of the media crowd a little and put itself in a position where it does not have to expect anything in particular in return for financing. In short, it would lead to healthier relationships and everyone would benefit, readers included.

In any case, the next few months promise to be exciting in a context that is evolving at great speed. So, quite simply, while waiting to be able to talk about the future models which will be presented very soon (the year starts on the hats off with LVMH Week), I very simply wish you a very happy new year 2025, may the new year bring you health, happiness, prosperity… and some pretty watches! Phew, I didn’t need artificial intelligence to write those last words!

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