Ellipsis AM | Allnews

Allnews by Ellipsis AM

Ellipsis AM specializes in value-added asset classes. The Convertibles & Credit division brings together historical and proven management expertise. The Overlay & Customised Portfolio Solutions division has been developing expertise dedicated to equity portfolio hedging and risk allocation solutions since 2008.

As a signatory of the Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI), our discretionary management integrates an ESG approach. All our conviction-based funds are classified SFDR – article 8.

Through our specialized management expertise, we support you in your investment issues by offering you a range of UCITS mutual funds as well as dedicated funds and tailor-made mandates.

In 2022, Ellipsis AM joined the Kepler Cheuvreux group. The management company has a Swiss subsidiary registered with Finma – Ellipsis AM Suisse Sarl – which ensures the distribution of collective investments and investment solutions managed by Ellipsis AM.

The net asset values ​​of Ellipsis AM funds are available on fundinfo.com

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