ÇAy Est, the second edition of Louis Vuitton Watch Prize for Independent Creatives has just started with the opening of calls for candidates. I remind you that the objective of the price is to highlight the creativity and audacity of independent watchmaking. Applications can be submitted until April 15, 2025. To be able to apply, you must have designed independently a watch or a watchmaking creation (such as a pendulum for example), legally protected within the framework of a registered company. In fact, only the creations assembled and marketed before April 15 can be taken into account.
Through the reading of the regulations, it therefore appears that the price concerns watchrs having started their commercial activities which means that school watches are not eligible. There are awards that reward young talents as soon as their diplomas are obtained such as that organized by François-Paul Journe (Young Talent Competition), Louis Vuitton Watch Prize is part of the next stage of the development of the career of watchrs. I find that these prices are complementary and in all cases aim for the support of independent watchmaking. In this context, they play an important role in the watchmaking industry because promoting the renewal of talents and supporting by mentoring the emergence and the realization of projects.
Raúl Pagès is the winner of the first edition of Louis Vuitton Watch Prize for independent Creatives:
I have the chance and the privilege of being again a member of the Louis Vuitton Watch Prize expert committee. As a member, I want the number of eligible candidates to be growing. Indeed, I have noted in recent months a strong dynamic of the watchmaking offer from independent creators. New actors arrive, with very diverse nationalities and routes. Countries that were not perceived as having strong historical or cultural ties with watchmaking add to the map. This is excellent news for independent watchmaking which today becomes a much more global activity than it was a few years ago. Certainly the AHCI had worked a lot on this geographic enlargement. But the landscape has never been so varied and eclectic. Social networks and in particular Instagram allow us to discover this new offer which could remain confidential. It is in this context that the role of Louis Vuitton Watch Prize is important: through candidates, it already forces watchrs to structure their projects, to think of story-telling and the way of presenting their works. It is not enough to create a beautiful watch and expose it on social networks to know success. You have to know how to explain your project, enhance it and present potential buyers, most of the time experienced collectors, the elements that make the difference compared to the existing offer.
I really appreciated the experience of the first edition due in particular to the efficiency and ergonomics of the platform which allowed me to appreciate the quality of the files in a constructive and successful manner according to several parameters. I would not speak of an objective approach because it is never entirely so. Each of us is influenced by our own culture, our own sensitivity … and by our own tastes simply. The share of subjectivity is very real in the way in which the members of the Committee of Experts proceed to the selection of files but in all cases, they do it with sincerity and with the conviction that the files to put forward are those which are will become the best standard bearers of the creativity of the independent watchmaking.
I am of course at the disposal of those who wish to apply to provide them with additional information. I remind you that Louis Vuitton has a great practice in the organization of this kind of price and that candidates can be sure of being in a framework that meets all the compliance requirements.
To submit your application, simply go to the Louis Vuitton Watch Prize website, create an account and follow the procedure:
I remind you that the deadline for the application file is set for April 15, 2025. I wish all participants a very good luck.